Tag Archives: SBS 2008

RWA connections from XP for SBS 2011, WHS 2011, SBSE 2011, WESS 2011

There is an issue when attempting remote connections from Windows XP SP3 through SBS 2008 or SBS 2011 as both use a Remote Gateway implementation that requires a couple of updates. To succeed at reaching your remote office desktop from your home or offsite based XP desktop (not applicable to Vista or later OS) you need to install two things to make this work:

Here are the links:
· http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=20609 – XP RDP 7.0 client – doesn’t require restart

· http://support.microsoft.com/kb/951608  Microsoft FixIT – repairs Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) Service in XP – requires a restart

**ref** SBS 2011 release documentation which covers the second linked fix above and other possible remote connection issues:


BESX – BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express

Subtitled – Woh! BESE

Going through a BESE installation I’ve noticed a few things I wished someone had shared with me beforehand and so I’ll share them for anyone who hasn’t installed this software so you can be better prepared.

First don’t use the BlackBerry written instructions but only as a supplement if at all.  Instead use the new BlackBerry step by step video; it covers in details the steps that are vague or inaccurate in the written tutorial.  Both are found off the BESX software page’s link for documents.  Also you can specifically choose a SBS installation walkthrough which isn’t covered at all in the written version.

  • The written instructions leave a lot of information out (If you never did this before you would be scratching your head in the configuring Exchange System Manager parts)
  • The instructions are not written for SBS where Exchange sits on the Domain Controller
    • not a Workgroup computer
    • no Local Admin group (use Built In -> Administrators instead)
    • cannot set Log on Locally or Run as Service in Secpol.msc (use the Domain Controller Security Policy found through Administrator Tools)
  • Java hasn’t been at version 6 v15 for some time and the installer didn’t detect that the current 6 v20 was there
    • so stupid installer installs an insecure version of Java anyway (which I’ll have to remove)

BESE install

Once through with the database portion of the checklist the server has to reboot.  Once back up and signed in with the newly created BB account you created then you finish it up.  The SRP info and BlackBerry CAL information were given to you previously online at the time you registered for the download.  If you didn’t follow those directions to record it then you will have to go back online and attempt to retrieve them.

When I got to the Start Services portion nothing was starting up.  I manually went into the Services.msc console and started each and every service successfully.  It took awhile for the BB installer to recognize that all the services were running and then I was given the option to Finish.

Following this you will hopefully succeed in seeing a web based UI to add a User so you can use this crappy program.  Did I say that?  sorry

For my first go it was a 3 hour ordeal.   BlackBerry needs to continue to improve the initial installation/activation process on their software IMHO or they will get forgotten by the very simple to configure I-phone/Android phone w/ Exchange Active Sync.

Direct File Downloading via OWA and Mobile Phones Now in SBS 2008


Tested and verified.  This works, is simple to setup, and is cool!

How to change/reset the status of Migration Tasks while migrating SBS 2003 to SBS 2008.

Crisis control – disaster averted – you can reset an accidental mouse slip/click in the SBS 2008 “Migrate to Windows Small Business Server 2008” wizard!  whew

Kudos to EMEA SBS TEam whom I’ve seen other good SBS 2008 content on this same blog.

**note**  Open Windows Explorer ‘as Administrator’ to save the changes to the .xml

How to change/reset the status of Migration Tasks while migrating SBS 2003 to SBS 2008.

[Today’s post comes to us courtesy Anshul Srivastava]

You are migrating to SBS 2008 from SBS 2003 by running SBS 2008 install in migration mode, following the steps described in the following Help file:


After you have installed Small Business Server 2008 in migration mode, you must run the Migration Wizard to migrate settings and data from the Source Server(SBS 2003) to the Destination Server(SBS 2008). This is done by clicking on ‘Migrate to SBS 2008’ link in the Windows SBS Console(shown below).


The Migration Wizard Home Window is shown below:


If you accidentally select ‘Task Completed’ for any of the tasks, this is how you can reset the status so that you may run it again:

The Migration Wizard uses the following file to determine the status of tasks:

C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Data\MigrationTasks.xml

If you want to re-run all the tasks, rename this file. Migration Wizard should not be running, otherwise you cannot rename the file.  After renaming it, run the Migration Wizard, it should show ‘Not started’ for all the tasks.

If you want to reset the status of a specific task, for which you accidentally selected ‘Task completed’, open the MigrationTasks.xml file in notepad. Make sure Migration Wizard is not running. This is how the file looks like: …more <follow link below>

Blog of the EMEA SBS Team : How to change/reset the status of Migration Tasks while migrating SBS 2003 to SBS 2008.

SBS 2008 Media for Open Licensing Purchases

This is straight talk direct from the perspective of a Microsoft Partner & SBSC organization.  I tell it without any apologies.

To briefly review SBS purchase options you have three:

  1. OEM – ships with the server hardware
  2. FPP – Full Package Product – you buy the plastic box with media inside
  3. Open Licensing – digital licenses, you purchase through distributor – media is provided via a second step unique to SBS and a scant few Microsoft products such as Microsoft Math (I’d never heard of it either)

To begin, you reach out to a distributor and purchase your licenses and decide Open Licensing is the type you want (see Eric Ligman’s helpful  and up-to-date resources).  An email is sent to the purchaser which provides a confirmation of the purchase along with the order Authorization Number and the License Agreement Number and a listing of the product licenses with corresponding Microsoft Product Number.  With this information and the instruction contained with it, you can set up an account with Microsoft currently at a licensing management site called eOpen – https://eopen.microsoft.com.

After entering the Authorization Number and License Agreement Number(s) for your client, the information is accessible.  From the left column of eOpen there is a link to “Product Downloads”.


Clicking this takes you to another licensing management site, Volume Licensing Service Center.

So maybe you read words in titles and are now encumbered with the mind twister of “Volume Licensing”.  What is that?  Didn’t I just earlier say there were only three types of licensing?  Yes, and it all is still true.  Let me do you a great service in untwisting the language jargon.  Microsoft has an incentive program for selling licensing that is available to Partners and this is called Volume Licensing.  When you sell various Open Licenses you get different points and this then leads to benefits for the partner.  In other words Volume Licensing isn’t a type of licensing it is an incentive program.  In the future you might realize that the eOpen site is entirely unneeded as everything can be done solely through the better designed and full functioning Volume Licensing Service Center site.  Tip *** save the URL into a SharePoint link list why you are there.

So at this site you can get to a place to “Download Products”; however, with SBS Open Licensing this is a cruel tease.  You won’t be downloading SBS media but it will lead you to obtain it via ‘an order’ (no cost aka free).



Clicking the link as show above takes you here and it looks like you are going to be able to download it!  psyche!  There is even a drop down box which misleadingly offers a 32 bit version of SBS 2008 (there isn’t one due to Exchange 2007).  You must choose something in each dropdown box before the needed link appears.  Notice that the “Continue Download” button is grayed out and the only active thing is a link to “Purchase the media kit version”.  Follow that link:


The subsequent page lets you order a media kit which you have no “overnight delivery” option even for a fee.  There is but one option and its to wait for it to come on its own pace.  The good news is that you can order more than 1 copy of the media.  So once you’ve got this far why not order some extra copies for your next client who purchases SBS Open Licenses.  You can order up to 10 kits.

The media comes equipped with a suite of disks in sleeves that is vacuum wrapped in plastic; on the back of the sleeves are the associated and activation needed Product Keys.  My October 2008 labeled media disks were a light blue and white design and most are DVD’s.

While you are waiting just obtain the proper version media and install it in trial mode by bypassing the Product Key entry – leaving it blank.  You’ll get your media before your trial expires.  Also remember you can use the ‘slmgr –rearm’ command to renew the trial up to three times for  a maximum total of 120 days (4x 30 days trial).