Tag Archives: RWA

RWA connections from XP for SBS 2011, WHS 2011, SBSE 2011, WESS 2011

There is an issue when attempting remote connections from Windows XP SP3 through SBS 2008 or SBS 2011 as both use a Remote Gateway implementation that requires a couple of updates. To succeed at reaching your remote office desktop from your home or offsite based XP desktop (not applicable to Vista or later OS) you need to install two things to make this work:

Here are the links:
· http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=20609 – XP RDP 7.0 client – doesn’t require restart

· http://support.microsoft.com/kb/951608  Microsoft FixIT – repairs Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) Service in XP – requires a restart

**ref** SBS 2011 release documentation which covers the second linked fix above and other possible remote connection issues:
