Tag Archives: SBS 2008

The System Properties UI quick command

From a Run prompt (winkey+R) enter sysdm.cpl.  This will invoke the System Properties UI in Server 2008 or Vista without any clicking.

This can be useful as from here you can gain access to the Device Management UI.  If you are installing a virtual OS in Hyper-V sometimes a critical driver isn’t installed from the install media (such as the NIC in SBS 2008).  Through this method you can invoke the Device Management UI and manually install the needed driver.  First though you would need to get to a Run prompt and to do this you bring up Task Manager Ctrl+Alt+End (Hyper-V) and from File menu choose the “New Task (Run)” option.

In the example of SBS 2008 you need to run the Integrated Services Setup Disk to gain virualized networking hardware functionality.  First from the Run prompt type “Explorer.exe” to open Explorer.  Next, with any previous ISO ejected, you choose from the Action menu to Insert this ‘Disk’.  With Explorer now running, the mounted disk will Autorun and install.  A restart will be needed and afterwards you can finish the SBS 2008 installation.

The location of this is at “C:\Windows\System32\sysdm.cpl ” in case you want to create a shortcut.